Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Underberg Labyrinth Phase 5

This is from January 2014 when building began on the MANSION/PALACE and the attempt to replace the grass in the pathways with Dichondra.
Also to putting in as many of the fruit trees that need to be planted to complete those areas.

Photo taken 10/1/2012. Position 29 degrees 29 minutes and some seconds East. 29 degrees 47 minutes and some seconds West  Elevation 1560m (more or less)

Looking at the position of the Labyrinth now and seeing it at both 29 degrees West and 29 degrees East I find rather unusual. I wonder what that might mean.
The bottom photo is just to give it perspective in relation to the houses around it.


It was so hot I hardly slept at all this night so decided to get up earlier than usual to go on my weekly trip to PMBurg.  Arrived at around 4am in Underberg with quite a bit to do.
The Entrance

I wanted to start planting the Dichondra and also had a few plants to plant as well as spraying.
Aloe Row

Bay Tree with Rhubarb in the distance


Catnip with Spring Onions in the background

Planted Garlic Chives, Cancer Bush, Desert Roses (this is what I have been told the one succulent is called), some shade ground cover for the bottom of the Lab plot as well as Catnip and the silver ground cover amongst the Pear trees.

I managed to plant everything, including the Dich... something as well as spraying a bit before getting on the road.
The trash in the compost bins has settled nicely.

Grape training

The Desert Roses

Garlic Chives with Spring Onion in the background

Grape Training 2

On returning the contractors staff were busy digging the foundations of the MANSION. Boy it is small. Well it looks small but I think it might look bigger as it grows. The soil is very soft and easy to work where it is going. I just might have to remove a tree which is rather close to the MANSION. OK it will be called the "Cottage" from now on.
I have an idea to sell "timeshare" to help pay it off. It will be a new idea. I will be living there and "time share" the part I will not be needing. It is a seed of an idea in my mind at the moment so lets see what becomes of it.
More Grape Training

??? Groundcover in the Pear Tree row

Oakie is growing very well. He is centre stage. The others are Thyme, Rosemary and Lemon Verbena.

The Rhubarb growing nicely.

A VERY old Rose.

The Walnut also looking good.

I spent a while chatting to the contractor and did a little more spraying before heading for home again. I need to start taking pics of the building progress. The foundations should be completed by the end of next week.


I decided to get to Underberg as early as possble today as I had quite a few things to plant. Arrived at around 3.30. Had a Fig, a Mulberry (I think it is a Mulberry) as well as a Cancerbush, a few Dichondra, a Garlic Chive, and a couple of groundcovers. Also one Golden Delicious apple to plant.
The Apple


Mulberry I think

The hole for the Mulberry took a while as it was in the bottom corner of the plot where the soil is difficult to work. The Apple and Fig were easier, being in the top corner.
 The Fig I had managed to sprout from a branch being tied down in soil in a container while still attached to the mother plant. It only had one leaf but was one of two I had managed to grow this way. The monkeys at home had broken the growing point of the other one so I decided to plant this one in Underberg where it has a better chance of surviving.
All plants I am experimenting planting in the bag so the roots when they reach that far will be able to grow through into the new soil of the plot. In time the bag will rot away.

Oakie is now over 2 m tall.

First Grape holding on

One of the berries. Raspberry I think.


I was very surprised to find how much the roots of the Dichondra had grown. I did not think they were so vigorous. Now time will tell as to how well it will grow in the new soil of the plot.

I managed to plant everything before getting on the road for PMBurg and watered what was necessary. Even had rime to do some tidying of the shade cloth and hessian which was lying around.

From another angle. The Pears to the Walnut in the distance

The foundations dug

This tree has to be cut down.

On my return I had a chance to spray areas I had missed before and then had to leave for home.

The foundations for the cottage had been dug and were awaiting concreting.

Lovely rewarding trip.


I have been very lucky this week in having to go to PMBurg twice. This means I was there again today. Arrived at around 3.30 with a few things to plant including another Mulberry Tree (hopefully) as well as a variety of other plants. I am pleased to note that the Dichondra seed I planted is starting to germinate and slowly slowly I have more and more "re shoots" to plant.
I had time to do a little digging so decided to start planting at the entrance now as well which I managed to complete.
I did my planting and watering before getting on the road again. Even had time to plant the other packet of seed I was given.
The early morning view from the front door

Let the concreting begin

On returning the guys were busy pouring the foundations of the "Whitehouse." (it is called that because I have  decided that everything is going to be white. (except things like doors).
I watched the progress for a while and then had time to spray around the Lab before getting back on the road.
The work has begun

Today I kept myself busy by counting the amount of times I almost fell asleep at the wheel.
Luckily it does not happen very often. The pressure has to be right/wrong.


Wow it is over a month since I was able to update. We have had no electricity for that time so I could not go online.
It is easy to catch up because I have been doing the same things on every visit. (I have been going regularly in the mean time).
I have been planting Fig trees and Dichondra as well as spraying when possible and only one thing really has stayed in my memory. That is the one morning the night sky was so clear it felt as if I could reach out and touch the stars. I have never seen a sky that clear EVER before.

There are some photos which I still have to edit which will tell the story up until now.

What I saw from the gate. I had no idea building had started

Orbs over the building

Second Bedroom

From kitchen to main room


Walnut and Catnip

Starting at the entrance


Dichondra seed germinating

Hopefully a Mulberry Tree

Little Visitor

Dichondra now growing

Phase 2 Front and side

Grape experiment. Am planting from "pot" to this container which has no bottom. I use netting in the first pot and remove the plant and soil etc to plant in this one. The plan is to make the plants more visible when cutting the grass etc.

From kitchen to bathroom. Some walls still need to be built

Phase 2 Front

Looking at main room from Labyrinth
Dichondra at entrance
Dug and waiting
Early morning view
Fig growing nicely

View from main room towards the Labyrinth
As can be seen from the photos this is why the blog is called "New Beginnings."


Everything seems to be back to normal for the time being so I was able to go on my weekly trip to PMBurg. However I went on Friday and not as I like to go on a Thursday.
I arrived just after 3am as usual, to find that it had been raining in Underberg as it had been at home and things were very wet. It looked as if the rain guage had overflowed or was about to.
Not seeing the plot for 2 weeks I could see how things had grown. Especially the Lemon Verbena which I had uprooted from my garden here to plant there last season.

First Planted Dichondra sending out roots

Seeded Dichondra

Todays planting and digging

Dichondra sending out little shoots (stolons)
 The weather has settled down again so we can expect some days with sunshine in the future. No work had been done on the Palace due to the weather.

The intention was to plant as much Dichondra as I had ready and to plant some Comfrey among the Bay trees to help with fertilizing. (I understand that the Comfrey roots release nutrients in the soil to make it available to other plants.) The soil in Underberg is very low in organic matter so I will keep on with experiments like this. I have used Comfrey leaves in compost which works very well and of course Comfrey leaves go well in a salad although you cannot eat them too often.
The first planted Dichondra is now sending out suckers so hopefully next season I will be able to take roots from Underberg for transplanting. This will really speed things up.
Desert Rose with suckers

A Rose I rescued from the back wall of the top plot and Bulbina


The Pear Tree row

I also had a couple of Desert Roses to plant. I also wanted to dig in preparation for next visit and the Dichondra I will have by then.
If the weather held on my return I intended spraying more areas of pathway. I must admit that even though it goes against everything I believe that using the Glyophosphate has made things manageable.

I managed everything and am now looking forward to some better weather because the next stage on the Palace is the roof.


Had an urgent trip  to PMBurg today and even though I have been fighting a huge cold for a few days decided to make the most of it and get there bright and early again. There was not much Dichondra to plant but I did have some Comfrey to plant among the Lemon Trees. (on the one Lemon there were huge worms that looked like silkworms. Needless to say they are no longer on the tree.) They had eaten almost all of the leaves of the tree they were busy with.
I also had a Lemon Verbena and a Rosemary to plant which needed big holes.
No work had been done on the Palace due to the rainy weather we have been having.
Fig still growing but not looking too happy

The biggest Grape still looking good

Comfrey in Lemon row

Only planted the part on the left today.

What I had hoped was Mulberry. I am going to leave them until I do have Mulberry cuttings to plant

Where I weeded and pruned. There are hundreds of seedlings growing under the Cancerbush. The Comfrey I planted 3 weeks ago.

I had planted everything before getting on the road and just in time because it started to drizzle.  I had a chance to do a little more digging and now are entering the area I call "no mans land."

On returning I weeded and pruned the older Lemon Verbena and Cancerbush as they were growing into the pathway. There are hundreds of Cancerbush seedlings growing under the older trees which I am just going to thin out and try and make a kind of hedge from them.

I left at about 11.30 for home and just in time because it started to rain again just afterwards abnd rained/drizzled most of the way home.

Note to self. Must remove the weeds that are coming up with the planted Dichondra. I am rather pleased to see how well it is growing.


I had another opportunity to go to PMBurg again today but as I still was not over my cold and did not have too much to do in Underberg I left a little later than usual (in the end I actually overslept and only arrived at around 4am). I was feeling much better too.

I wanted to experiment taking bits from areas that were already growing nicely to transplant where I am digging. (darn I cannot remember the proper word for it???) This in the end worked rather well but the proof will be in the pudding. I filled the holes where I dug with soil I had kept from when transplanting from the trays. If it works this will mean a much quicker way of doing it in the new season.
I must mention that in the beginning I was not too keen on planting Dichondra because it has a stolon, however after reading that it does not need mowing I decided to try it. So far I am very pleased that I have. It is very low growing and does not seem as invasive as for example Kikuyu.

I had a chance to dig almost to the end of the row I am working on in "no mans land" and tensioned up the grape supporting wires on the next quadrant. Just one quadrant to do when funds allow (could be a while) and then that is done. Some weeding was done too. It is very hard not to do that as there is so much that needs to be done. I am behind on my spraying due to the weather but hopefully next trip the weather will be in my favor.

On returning I found the contractor had decided to work on the "Palace" again and is preparing for the roof. Oh to be able to retire and live there full time. I dug a little more before heading for home again.

The batteries in the camera were flat so no pics.


I had an opportunity to go to PMBurg today so decided to make the most of it. Arrived just after 3.00 am with quite a few chores. A lot of Dichondra to plant, some Comfrey to plant amongst fruit trees as well as a few more "containers" to put around plants especially the grapes.
Awaiting the veranda

Oh I hope there is space for a loft.

Makes the room feel very small

Up and Up

I also wanted to see what had been happening to the Palace.
Well, the contractor told me that the main wall was going to be high but I did not realise how high. It took me a while to get used to it. But, after sleeping on the idea I have decided to try and take an advantage of it and put in a loft. The area over the kitchen and main room I am sure can be utilised. It will mean a lot cosier domain in winter as well as a lot more space. I still need to discuss the idea with the contractor though.

Before getting on the road again I finished what I had intended and had time to dig more in preparation for next planting.
On returning I managed to finish spraying the weeds etc. Hopefully next year I will not need to. If I can get my act together I am thinking very seriously of retiring then so I can dedicate myself to the Labyrinth, herbs, veggies etc.


Another PMBurg trip with not too much happening at the moment. There is not too much Dichondra ready for transplanting so I need other things to keep myself occupied.
I took a wheel barrow so taking the Dichondra I did have was quicker and also wanted to start moving/removing one or two compost bins where the weeds are not so bad.
The weather was not very nice and the trip was misty and wet. It must have rained in Underberg the night before cos things were nice and wet.

I had half expected to see the roof on the Palace but not yet. Luckily as I found out later because I have ideas for the place which I never dreamed of when doing the design. (a door needs to be cut into the main wall for access to the other half of the loft) More as that transpires.
I have an idea for a loft, a deck as well as 2 extra rooms which can very easily be added to the original structure. I must admit as to getting rather excited when I think of it. I am really starting to love the place and cannot wait to retire there.

Oh, the foundations for the slab of the veranda were almost finished.
Veranda foundations

Another angle
The Dichondra was planted first. Then I dug more in preparation for next time. I also had time to dig an area where I intend planting more Strawberries.
I also had time to "plant" more bricks along the pathways. This is something that needs to be done so when things are quiet that

is what I will be doing.

I did not take any Dichondra from between the pathways so as to give them more chance to grow.
I had an intention of spraying on returning but it was still too wet.
However I did have a long chat with the contractor regarding my ideas. Suffice it to say, we all became rather excited.

Before leaving I planted a few more bricks.
The end to a tricky trip due to the weather but a very rewarding one nevertheless.


I had a usual trip today so was up early and arrived at around 3o clock. Lovely trip. No mist or rain. Just nice and cool.
Orbs over the Lab

I had some Dichondra to plant but my main job now is digging to extend the Strawberries as well as a little in the pathways. I also am working on burying the bricks a little deeper and slowly removing any compost bins that are no longer needed.
Veranda has started growing

From front corner. Soon to be another room.

View from veranda

The Dichondra did not take long so I had a chance to do quite a bit of digging and removed a compost container.
Before getting on the road for PMBurg I also sprayed at the top plot. There was a Berg wind earlier so the grass was dry.
Inside walls from front door to kitchen, lounge, toilet and bathroom.

From kitchen door to toilet, bathroom and bedroom.

On returning I noticed that the contractor was starting on the rooms on the verandah I was going to add. I was not aware that they were doing it now so had to stop him so I could alter the plans. I did not mark in the doors and windows.
My timing was excellent and caught them just in time. (this is how it has been regarding the Palace. Everything is just slotting into place. They had been working on the verandah and this is also looking great. Of course there were some Orbs over both the Lab and Palace but more numbers over the Lab.
A lovely trip.


I think this must be the earliest I have arrived at Underberg. I was up at around 1am and arrived at around 3. I would have been earlier had it not been for heavy mist in the Franklin and Swartberg areas.
Orbs over the Palace

Orbs over Oakie

More Orbs

The Dichondra. First planted from right to left and a loner Orb.
Oakie and Orbs. You can see how much he has grown.

I needed to get there early because I wanted to see what had been going on with the Palace and I also had quite a bit to do. Firstly quite a few Dichondra plugs and I wanted to start on the new position for the gate to the entrance. (no photos because the battery was almost flat after I went "orbing" around the Lab and Palace.)
View from front veranda

View from side veranda. The poles for the new entrance can be seen if found.

The Palace from the road

Front with work being done on slab for veranda.

Side veranda and extra room slab.

Bathroom Kitchen and toilet and a portion of the dining room come kitchen extension.

The bathroom on the left with toilet and kitchen.

The side veranda.

I managed to do both of those chores before heading for Maritzburg. The hole digging and planting of the poles for the gate took the longest time. I take the wheelbarrow every time now. It really speeds up the planting process. I have now reached the end of the first and longest path in "no mans land."

The Palace is still looking good but I will let the photos do the explaining there.
On my return I sprayed a bit among the pathways.

Another Super trip.


A weekly trip and as like last week I wanted to get there early with many things to do (especially the Palace changes). It is an exciting time for me. I have waited so long and to see things actually happening in my favor. I am very very blessed.
So a 3am arrival again.

Anyway it was a lovely trip with drizzle most of the way. Not much mist though. The gauge had about 20mm in it from rain the day or evening before. Ideal working weather. Mist rain a little but not enough to be soaked by.

There were not too many Dichondra to plant. The season is coming to an end so things are starting to slow down. However I had the gate to hang where I put the poles last week, a lot of digging to do and have decided it is time to start moving compost bins away from areas where the weeds are no longer so bad.

Everything was done before getting on the road for PMBurg again. The gate needs to still be set up properly but should be OK eventually. My measurements were slightly out but not so bad that I need to replant any poles.
I managed to move 2 compost bins. Taking their contents to the bigger bins outside the circle. On this trip I brought more compost from home in preparation for digging into the beds I will be working on in no mans land where I intend planting the Mealies, Spinach and Sunflowers. Also more Potatoes and want to extend the Strawberry beds. However they are already dug and I do not intend composting them.

I also had some time to "plant" about 10m of bricks. I keep on forgetting to do this as there is always so much other work to be done.
Oh there was an older Desert Rose that has too many suckers (I think it is root bound) growing in a container at home which I decided to plant in the Desert Rose row. If this plan works I have another one doing the same thing which I want to take.

There has been very little done to the Mansion/Palace with only one wall being raised to allow more head space in the loft. The veranda and outside rooms are ready to be concreted as well. I really wanted photos on this trip but once again the batteries in my camera were flat. Oh well there will be next week (hopefully). This time I will take extras.................

Something memorable did happen and that is a friend of mine who saw the Lab two years ago came to visit on her way to Splashy. She brought a young friend who is definitely a Crystal child. Very wise and very old soul.
It was so nice showing them around. They are the first people to see the Palace and of course the Lab had changed quite a bit.
Standing with them on an unfinished slab overlooking the Lab I really felt soo lucky to be able to have something like this in my life. I never really get time to stop and appreciate what is happening there. In and out, rush rush rush.
And Underberg is such a lovely village....................... (Cold very cold but I prefer the cold to the heat).

We chatted for a while before I had to leave to get back home to feed a new born calf from the dairy.

Yes, a very special day indeed.


A weekly trip today and as is becoming the norm now, when I am lucky enough to go, I wake up at around midnight and cannot sleep again because my mind is just so wide awake and planning planning planning. Oh to be able to be there full time and to experiment with all of the ideas travelling around my head.
The inner wall raised a little to allow for more space in the loft.

The side as iut is now.

Ready for the concrete.

The front ready for "slabbing."

It was a lovely trip to Underberg. The road was wet in places which showed it had rained a little during the night. There was very little mist and that which there was was in the usual places. I arrived earlier than ever. This time at 2.45. I wonder what people think. I must seem really strange to them. The dogs are used to me now and only bark their hellos.
There was 20mm water in the gauge so things were nice and damp.
The new entrance.

The new entrance from inside the Labyrinth.

The protective containers are working well.

I had a lot of Dichondra to plant and for the first time wore gloves while doing that. The soil was very cool. I found out on my return from Maritzburg that there was a little snow on the Berg but a long way inside. That which I planted did not need to be watered.
Thank goodness for the wheel barrow because it makes planting so much quicker.

Figs looking good.

Before getting on the road again I managed to plant the Dichondra, dug the holes and planted 2 more poles at the gate. Completed hanging the gate and dug more in the Maize, Sunflower and, Spinach areas. I also carted a few bags of compost I had brought in preparation for digging in.
Where the maize etc will be planted. The shade cloth over todays planted Dichondra is away in the distance.

Compost ready to be spread and dug in.

On returning from Maritzburg I managed to complete digging the row I was working on even though I was suffering from some low BP. (The pressure changes sometimes affect me). Then it was time to head for home again.

Another lovely trip, even though I was a little disappointed that nothing had been done to the Palace. Still I am pretty sure it is due to all of the holidays.


Due to the Thursday holiday I decided to go to PMBurg on Wednesday instead of Thursday.
No mist and a lovely trip along the Berg.

I did not have too much to plant today as things have slowed down now. Only 20 plugs of Dichondra to plant with a little next week should I be lucky enough to go.
My main aim today was to dig as much as possible and to do more work on the gate.
White windows and Orbs

The Palace seems to have a halo/aura.
(This I am adding on 22/6/2014 and I have an answer to something that has been bugging me about the photo above. Why the aura does not come to earth in the area above the date. I have just realised that that is the area where the "courtyard" will be!!!!! Isn't that amazing.)

It must be the cooler weather because I dug more this morning than I have for a long time. I mixed my digs in that with the smaller fork I was digging the pathways and the bigger one the beds in preparation for composting and the new season. For the first time in a while I actually felt as if I could have dug for longer. However I eventually ran out of time.
It was really nice digging today because of the memories of the work I had done there previously. No mans land was a big "hump" which I had to level before the pathways could be completed and there was also a big area I had to fill in so the pathways could go through. I know this is ego but I actually felt very proud at what I have been able to achieve so far.

I did get a chance to cut 2 poles at the gate down to size but the drill flattened the batteries before I could put the stay pole on. That will be a job for next trip.
Where we are now working "no mans land."

One dig going up the other coming down.

Where the two digs met and where I planted the Dichondra.

The Palace has not changed much other than the window frames slowly being painted. On my return I stopped off and had a very positive chat with the contractor. I was right in my belief that the holidays have been a setback.
The gate slowly taking shape.

Something I must note is that this morning I saw my first "shooting" Orb. I have seen one or two Orbs before but this one was amazing. It looked like a miniature shooting star but much smaller. I was in the Lab and it flew between myself and the Palace. Just like a shooting star. It was moving very fast, had a tail and everything.
It also seems as if there are becoming more and more Orbs as things progress.
I notice that the sky in Underberg is also a lot clearer than it is here.

On my return I only had a chance to do a little weeding due to my meeting with the contractor.

Another lovely and positive trip. OOOH to have a "Princess" to share it with me.


Arrived just after 3 this morning. I was a little late getting out of bed (1.30) so drove a little faster than usual to catch up.
Todays tasks were to plant whatever Dichondra I had and to start a satellite bed where I could grow Dichondra and take from it as it expands. This I did however the Dichondra has a lot of weeds in it which I will have to remove when the time comes to transplant it. It is worth the risk although it might be a little late for planting now.
Gate slowly taking shape.

I also wanted to "wire" the remaining supports for grapes in the last quadrant around "no mans land."
Of course there was also work to do on the gate.

Well I managed all of this and also dug to the end of the bed I had been working on last week. On returning I buried more bricks along the pathways and did a little weeding.

The only other news is that nothing was done on the Palace this week but I do know how I am going to do the entrance to the Labyrinth. That will be told / shown as the idea develops.


There was heavy mist on the road in places but I still arrived just after 3. I did not have much to plant with the intention of starting another satellite bed and to plant whatever plugs I had. Things are not growing very fast anymore so I do not have many plugs ready for transplanting.

However there is still digging to do, compost containers to slowly remove and of course the gate to work on. This part is slow as I cannot work on it too early because of the noise I make.
I did also peg out where the next poles will be planted.

I was a little disappointed that nothing had been done on the Palace (it is now the "Palace" and time to find a Princess to share it with). However on my return there was something going on. A couple of staff were laying blocks on the outer wall. We have decided to raise the wall by 2 blocks to give the loft more head space. This is wonderful because nothing has happened for more than 2 weeks.
The first satellite bed

Orbs over the Labyrinth

The gate getting there slowly

Orbs over the Palace
I managed to plant everything, water it and did a little work on the gate. I needed to leave at 5.30 as I had a meeting with family in Howick first.

On returning I finished off the section of the gate I was working on and did more digging of the pathway I am busy planting.
Oh, the path I was working on has now reached the corner and is about to go "back again."

Another lovely trip.


Wow I have never been this early before. I arrived at 2.30 and there was even some really heavy mist on the way at Kingscote area. People must now really think I am nuts. Still it is the best time to work.
I think I will blame it on the contractor who had phoned me to tell me they were once again working on the Palace. I could not sleep after that. Much too excited.

The side veranda looking towards the extra room.
Side Veranda with Orbs

Sewer and Orbs

Today I had Dichondra to plant and wanted to start digging in compost where I intend planting veggies in the new season. There are still compost containers to empty and move. I put this off because it is not a nice job especially when it is cold. However it was very warm this morning and did not need to wear gloves.

I did the Dichondra, dug in compost, watered some of the Dichondra as well as using the compost tea I had stored there to water the Fig trees. I also poured more "poison" on the tree at the fence as well as the tree we had to cut down. Planted a new nursery (satellite bed) and also pruned some smaller branches of the Peach trees. Also moved the soil that was in one of the compost containers and took it to where the big compost containers are. To think how many weeds there were in containers last year this time and how they have broken down to almost nothing really surprises me. I was hoping for more material than what has been produced.

On the Palace the verandas have all been concreted and when I arrived back on my way home the staff were bagging the inside walls. They had also started with the septic tank etc. That was almost completed. After having a chat with the contractor about the loft, bathroom etc etc I cut the tree we had to remove that was too close to the foundations. Told the contractor to either take the logs or let his staff have them.

Then it was time to get on the road again. Once more in love with the Palace.


Arrived a little later than usual today, 3o clock, as I really did not have too much I could do. I had had a back spasm which had kept me out of action for the weekend and most of the next week. I only really was feeling "up to it" on Tuesday so did not want to do too much back work just in case I had a relapse. I was on leave last week so did not go to Maritzburg. I could not bend far enough to get into the truck anyway. I managed to drive on Thursday. After that I was improving more and more every day. Thank goodness for the lotion.
Orbs from the front door

A VERY special Orb right over the centre of the Palace

Walls have been bagwashed

There were quite a few Dichondra to plant and I wanted to dig and plant two more satellite beds. I had been told that snow was predicted so wanted to get things in the ground so they could get any moisture that might appear. I watered what I planted anyway.
I was very happy that my back was feeling Ok. A little stiff but that was to be expected.
Digging the satellite beds is rather difficult because I am opening fresh ground which has become compacted. It is also starting to dry out as well.
Orbs and satellite beds.

The Fig trees in their protective containers are exactly where the soak pit will be. Totally unplanned they will be able to make use of any moisture that is available.

I completed my planting and watering so did more digging of pathways. This is much easier as the ground has already been dug and the fork I use does not penetrate too deeply. It is just a matter of loosening the soil.
Where I am now planting Dichondra and also watered a little extra where it was needed. Note lovely Orbs. The one I think is St Germain and the small bright one is an Angel of Love.
It was once again warm enough that gloves were not necessary.

On returning I stopped off and had a chat with the contractor after which I had to load what I had left at the plot.
This is when I saw something which rather disturbs me. I found one of the outside walls had a crack in it. I might be worrying for nothing but e mailed my concern to the contractor. What does concern me is that it is a load bearing wall and the roof has yet to be put on........ I have had no reply from him as yet. PLEEEZE hold thumbs that it is nothing to worry about.

The only progress on the Palace is that for the most part the sewerage has been completed.
Still, another lovely trip.


The plot in 2008. I had to remove the tree and large rubbish pile near the bottom corner otherwise the Labyrinth would not have fitted in the plot. Some trees are there some must have just been planted.

I think I have found an updated picture of the Labyrinth which I am going to add here.
A better photo of the Labyrinth showing the roads. This pic was taken in 2013. The white things around the edges were an experiment I did with cloth around the bottoms of the poles in the hope that they would kill the grass. Did not work very well so removed them eventually. The white on the top of the top plot is rubble the contractor had left to use as filler to put down when the slabs were to be laid.
I have just realised how big the Labyrinth is. When compared to the houses around it, it does look rather large.
I am SOOO grateful................
The thicker lines are where I have so far in planterd the Dichondra. A long way still to go. The big dots around the outside are where the poles to support the grapes are as well as most of the fruit trees.


It has been almost two months since being to Underberg and I had really been missing it. Even though I know no work had been done on the Palace due to the new plans still being with the municipality, I wanted to see how everything was. I have to admit that I was both apprehensive and excited about going.

I need not have worried. I could not sleep Wednesday night so decided to get up around 1.30. This I did and arrived at just after 3. NOTHING had been touched at all. Not even moved. It really boosted my confidence in that lovely little town.
If I had left this place here for that long I am pretty sure there would have been a burglary. Definitely something would have been stolen.

Anyway I went prepared to plant more Dichondra and to do more digging as well as watering. Took some more guards for the fruit trees and grapes as well. It was not too cold so working was a pleasure. I accomplished everything before getting on the road again.

BUT, I forget my BIG news.
Today I took a measuring wheel to get an exact distance of the walk. Now this is amazing. It is EXACTLY 400 m in and 400 m out. I had estimated it at 900 m so was not far off. I have also planted 120 m of Dichondra. (I must have a look and see the energy in the number 400).

Other than that it was a lovely trip as usual. Still some pruning to do but will go in Suzi next time cos I now need to start carting firewood there as well.


A surprise trip today. I was not expecting it but was happy to be going non the less.
Left a little later than usual as I did not have much to do and arrived at around 4. The wind on the way was really bad especially at Kingscote where it was blowing gale force. Strange at that time of the morning but what else is new.

I was really disappointed when I got there to see that nothing had still been done on the Palace. However I am not too worried as I believe in "Divine Timing." In other words nothing has been done for a reason. Not always able to tell until later but there IS a reason.

I had brought my post hole digger and a spade I had adapted to assist the digger. An experiment I had been planning to try for a while and nice to see it works rather well. It is an old cut down spade which I now use to loosen the soil so all the digger has to do is remove it from the hole.
This took a while but before getting on the road I did get a chance to dig more pathway.

The poles I planted at the entrance from inside and out.

I am also a little worried about the Dichondra. It does seem as if I will need to do quite a bit of replanting as it seems as if a lot has died. Probably too dry. (I have some in pots here which I have been watering and they are still green.) There was 20mm of rain in the gauge but to look at the soil you would not even have thought it had rained at all.

Peach Trees starting to blossom
Other than that it was a really nice trip. Roll on the day when the Palace is completed and I can move in. (hopefully 2 of us...)


Took some much needed leave today so I could go to Underberg with "Suzi." She needed a long trip as she never really gets the chance.
The New Side Entrance
I had firewood, Apple, Pear, Apricot and two Nectarines to take as well as some Desert Roses and another succulent (to plant at the entrance to the Lab).
There were also one or two other "nick naks" but they were minor. 

The New Look Front Entrance

It was a lovely trip, using the trailer today as there was too much to put in Suzi alone.
I planted the fruit trees (the Pear completed the "Pear row.") as well as all the succulents and watered them all. I also watered the Fig trees, one or two of which are showing some green.
The Peaches are in full flower and the older trees are full of fruit. The Almonds are also starting to produce flowers. The Pecans are just beginning to shoot again.
Good news is that it seems as if some of the Dichondra is going to survive but too soon to know how much.
Aloe Flowers

Succulents at the Entrance

The Pear Tree row is now completed.

Peaches in full flower.


There had also been some work done on the Palace but still no roof. However the two new rooms are up to roof level so it cannot be too long now. I must admit the rooms have given a new dimension to the structure.
I was hoping to see the contractor this morning but he was not around. (I still have not seen the new plans and need to discuss where the one heater/fireplace
is going to be situated.

The other good news is that my plan with the solar lighting should work like a charm. The house points in almost the perfect direction for them to all be mounted on one side wall.

I had time to do some work on the poles at the entrance as well as a little spot spraying. 
A rather rewarding trip as I have now started taking firewood as well. (12 bags today).


As above I decided to take "Suzi" for another trip to Underberg today. I had a lot of things to plant and some watering to do. There were a few holes to dig and I wanted to do more on the entrance.

Todays plantings were:

3 Grapes
1 Nectarine
2 Apricots
2 Roses
1 Apple
1 Lemon
1 Lemon Verbena
20 various succulents (Desert Rose and a couple for the entrance.)
There were also 15 bags of firewood to offload. 
Some spot spraying was also needed.

I did not expect to see any changes to the Palace so was not disappointed to see that no work had been done.
I only had 2 hours sleep the night before and this was against me on my return home as I had a hard time staying awake.

I arose at 1 am and arrived at just after 3. Seeing as there were quite a few holes to dig I removed the firewood and got into that straight away. Some of that work was really difficult because with the Apricots I am now working in the area where I had to level off the plot so the Labyrinth would fit in. This soil was really difficult to dig and if it had not been for my trusty adapted spade which I designed especially to do this work, I would still be digging.

After watering everything as well as those trees I planted last time (I am a little worried about the Nectarines. They seem to be taking undue stress.). 
A couple of Figs are now sending out shoots as are one or two Apples. The Peaches are full of fruit but while I was working the mouse birds were doing their best to thin them out.
At least a lot of the Dichondra is starting to grow so I am going to keep on with planting that.

There was time to do a little more work on the entrance as well as some spot spraying around the Lab as well as around the Palace.

Once again the contractor, even though he said he would be around, was not in his office. Is he trying to avoid me...

Other than having a hard time staying awake as I got close to home it was a really lovely trip. No mist, almost a full moon and I saw 7 Reed Buck on the side of the road. A new record for me.

There WAS something different this morning which occurred just before the top of Kingscote. 
There was a flock of sheep on the roadside which had obviously escaped so I decided to stop off at the police camp there and to ask somebody to phone the farmers who owns them. I have never been there before and did not know it was only a camp so I could not speak to anybody. It was difficult turning around with the trailer hitched up but managed it eventually. (the road was very narrow).

No photos today although I did take to see whether there were any Orbs present. As usual they were congregating over the Palace.


I had a trip to PMaritzburg today so decided to make the most of it. 
I wanted to transfer 2 Lemon Verbena trees which I have had growing here for a few years as well as a Rosemary plant which has also been growing in a pot for a few years. The idea was to put the Lemon Verbena at the entrance to the Lab and the Rosemary just inside to protect the Lab.
A flowering tree at my entrance.

I also had Catnip as well as some Dichondra to plant and wanted to try out my new drill. (I was tired of my old one. Drill 4 holes and the battery is flat.)
Lemon Verbena at the Labyrinth entrance

The potted Rosemary
I was up at 12.30 and arrived at around 3. There was a little rain on the way but it stopped before Underberg.
I had to dig the holes for the potted plants but the rest was quite easy. However I kept on getting waylaid by pulling weeds.
Things are growing very well already there and both the Peach trees and Plums are full of fruit. I was also happy to see the Nectarines recovering.The Grapes are also looking very good and I think a huge help is putting the protective pipes around them.

Some Dichondra starting to grow again and the succulents I planted the previous visit

I did my thing and had planted and watered by 5 o clock. Then there was time to transplant some Strawberries and test my new drill. Oh what a difference. I almost finished drilling the holes I need to put the top wire on the border poles.  
Strawberry rows covered to protect fruit from the birds.

Aloes in flower

I think this is one of the Catnip family?????(in the middle I have planted Comfrey to rejuvenate the soil). I also understand that Catnip is a part of the Mint family?
Wild Catnip. I need to protect it from neighboring felines
There was no change to the Palace but I did get a chance to see the contractor who promised me the roof would be on before they close for Xmas. I believe him this time. We also chatted about where fireplaces and an extra door will be going. 
Santa Rosa plums. This tree is 2 or 3 years old.
A local visitor arrived while I was watering the new plants

Slowly bringing old solar lights from home. I wonder what people will think when they come on at night.

So all in all a very rewarding trip. The road was not very busy and everything just seemed to fall into place.I even sprayed a little on returning but the sieve on the sprayer became blocked. 


I was lucky enough to have another trip to PMBurg again this week and this time really decided to make the most of it.

To cut a long story short I arrived just after 2am with firewood and compost on the truck to off load.I also had a couple of Dichondra plants to plant as well as Catnip and one or two ground covers.
The weather was great and it was a full moon. It had been raining the day before so things were nice and cool.

I had planted everything by around 4.30 so decided to transplant some Strawberries. I managed to plant over 50 plants before the area I wanted to plant was full. Then I had what I think was a bright idea to inhibit birds as well as the neighbors chickens from scratching them out as well as eating the fruit.
I had a lot of smaller mesh containers which I was not using so adapted what I could find to put over the Strawberries. Time will tell as to how effective it will be. (photos next time)

There was still time to drill a few holes and put the top wire around the outside poles where the Peaches are as well as the next quadrant. Two to go and then it is just the entrance to finish off. I am so happy with my new drill. I wish I had invested in one like this a long time ago.

There was also time to do some weeding.

On returning I had time to water what I had planted earlier as well as a little spraying. 
Needless to say I did sleep for at least 6 hours last night.

A really rewarding trip even though nothing had been done to the Palace (bad weather).
No pics this week.


I took leave this week with the express purpose of taking a trip to Underberg. Things are slowly growing here to the point where I need to transplant them at the Labyrinth.
With my new drill I can now also get ahead with finishing off the entrance.

Phase 1 table. I leave plants here until they are ready to go outdoors into full sun.
Phase 2 table where I select plants for Underberg.

I arrived at around 3am with a load of firewood, Dichondra, kraal manure and quite a few different ground covers and herbs.
Some of the plants for this trip.

There was: 
Comfrey, Rosemary, Catnip (2 varieties), Dichondra, a couple of ground covers (of which I do not know their names) as well as 15 bags of firewood and some kraal manure.
Loaded and ready to leave.

On arrival the first thing to do is offload the firewood and manure. Then get to preparing for transplanting. (in the end I counted over 50 plants to transplant.
This I managed to do just as it was light enough to remove my headlamp.

Firewood (top) and Kraal manure piles slowly growing.

I did not need to water as the soil was nice and moist.
Then I got stuck in to drilling holes for the new poles at the entrance. I did what I could but in the end the ladder I took was a little too short. There was time to put the top wire in the next quadrant. Next visit should be interesting as I took my chain saw and have cut the rest of the poles necessary to complete the entrance.
Climbing Rose which I need to replant against the fence.

A Strawberry row with bird protectors. The Dichondra is also looking good.

The entrance is slowly taking shape. The poles on the ground are to be fitted next visit.

I had to spray a little, where weeds were encroaching and around the Palace.

The solar lights I took last time are all still there and a couple were still lit when we arrived. I took the last working one today.

It was another very nice and rewarding trip. 


I was lucky enough to have another PMBurg trip today so once again decided to make the most of it.

I arrived at around 2.30 with not too much to do. 

Today I had a mixed variety of things to plant.
A few Catnip
A Fig tree
A grape
2 Asparagus
2 Rhubarb
A variety of ground covers as well as a couple of Comfrey plants.
There were one or two other plants of which I do not know the names.

One of the main reasons I wanted to be there was I wanted to do as much as possible to the entrance.

By 5 o clock I had planted and watered everything and decided to get cracking on the entrance. I was tired of cutting the threaded bar with a hacksaw so had devised a plan to fit a grinding disc to the drill. This worked great and was a huge time saver.
I did what I could before it was time to get on the road again.
On returning I had a little time so decided to do a little spraying and carry on with the entrance again.
This I should be able to finish next visit.

Things are still growing nicely but it has dried up a lot.

Nothing has been done to the Palace but I had not expected anything to be done yet.

Another lovely rewarding trip. 
PS No pics as I left my camera at home. 


I took leave for two days and because Suzi had a quarter of a tank of fuel left I decided to go to Underberg (As if I need an excuse!!!!). The contractor had told me that they would be working on the Palace again and that they would be needing my doors. So, having quite a few things to plant and wanting to try and complete the entrance I decided to go and get things moving again. 

Todays load

Some of the plants. The ice cream containers have Dichondra for satellite beds.

As with all my Underberg trips I am always too excited to sleep properly so was up at midnight. It had started to rain and I needed to cover everything before leaving. 
The trip there was uneventful with the rain stopping just before Swartberg. There was a lot of mist at Kingscote with patches on the way but not too bad otherwise. I still managed to arrive just after 2.30 with quite a few things to offload. I had pipes from the one tunnel to take. There were also a few bags of firewood as well as compost to remove. The pipes I intend using to get the bath water from the Palace to the labyrinth.
The entrance as it looks now but still to be completed.

Today I had: Dichondra and various ground covers to plant as well as Catnip and a couple of Grapes. I also wanted to remove the climbing Rose in the Lab and plant it against the fence and at the same time bring the Jasmine and plant it at the entrance. (I had planted it near the fence years ago but it has only just been surviving there). It should be able to grow up the poles. It has a beautiful scent when in flower.
The 3 blue containers are the Jasmine (closest) and the Grapes.

Of course I wanted to get as close to completing the entrance as possible as well.

By 5 o clock I had completed all of the planting, not having to water as things were nice and wet.
View of the Labyrinth from the top of the ladder. The Walnut is in the foreground with Oakie in the background. 

As is the norm now, I keep on getting bypassed by weeding areas as I feel like it.

The Strawberries are starting to fruit and I ate one which was still a little green but tasted great.
Another thing is how well some of the grapes are growing. Especially the ones from the vine here. A couple have already reached the bottom wire and have attached themselves to it.

I am really enjoying working on the entrance and think it will look OK when completed. I planted 2 Grapes which were extras there too. I can always move them if need be.
Empty containers to return home. water bottles in the background.

I then spent the rest of my time working on the entrance and completed the wiring of the bonnox to the main poles. Nice to complete that.
Then it was time to take the doors to the contractor and get an update from him.
On returning I had the energy to spray a little before getting on the road for home again.
Panorama from ladder

A lovely trip and Suzi still has some fuel left in the tank.


I had taken leave again so I could go to Underberg. My timing was perfect because the contractor sent me a pic from his phone to show me what the Palace looked like at that time. Needless to say I did not get much sleep that night and was at the plot before 2.30. I think I slept for 2 hours. Being awoken at around 11.30 with a "ferrel" cat fighting with Tabs at the kitchen door did not help matters either. Anyway I was too excited to sleep as the norm with me I lie in bed with my mind planning, planning, planning. Cannot relax.
Todays plants


Special Aloes

I am not sure what this plant is other than it is a bulb and already growing nicely

The Jasmine has already started growing.

Green Grapes from home growing well. These I planted 2 or 3 years ago and are only starting to look good since I "containerised" them.

Another ground cover growing nicely.
The trip was uneventful with only mist close to Underberg. 
Completed Entrance.
It was so nice to see the beams up and work eventually being done. It did take a while to get used to the new look because due to the extra height to make space for the loft the Palace looks a little "out of shape/proportion." However the more I looked at it the better it looked. I just wish I had taken some Orb photos.

Seeing as it had rained most of the day here I thought it must have done the same there. As it turned out it rained there in the evening only. 
I was planning on taking the front door and kitchen sink but was not worried about the rain here having covered them properly (I learnt from last week). It rained most  of the day here, until almost the time for me to get up but had stopped by the time I left.
New Front. The beam support took a while to get used to but now I think it fits in perfectly. This is where the deck will be.


Side View
From Entrance to Palace
Today the intention was to complete the entrance and plant more Dichondra as well as what I had available here. And to move a climbing Rose from the bottom plot to the top. Not too much but it did include a couple more Tomato seedlings and Cancerbush. (there were one or two different Catnip and other ground covers). There were also bags of firewood as well as compost to off load. (I had some containers which I am wanting to experiment with over the Strawberries.)
Strawberry experiment
In places the Dichondra is really growing well but there is a lot of weeding needed , which I got bypassed doing for a while. Almost possible now to take some from the well growing areas to transplant elsewhere.
I have changed my tactics in the new Dichondra areas and am now planting in a straight line. It is a little slower but easier to maintain and spray out the weeds.
Last season Fig growing nicely.

Desert Rose.
I had completed planting as well as moving the climbing Rose to the fence at the top plot by 6 o clock so got started on the entrance. It is now completed however I might make a few changes as I go. The Jasmine is already growing nicely.

It was wet gain so I had no need to water. Before leaving I had a chat with the contractor who had arrived as I was completing drilling in the entrance. 
I had time to spray two tanks of herbicide before leaving for home again.
Team "backfilling."

From far side of plot 
New view from road.
A really rewarding trip and the contractor tells me that this time next week (weather permitting) the roof should be completed.

PS This is something which never occurred to me before and that is that the Palace will be a "One of a Kind" building. There will be no other structure like it in the world. I find that rather special.


This will be the last entry to this blog because the roof is now on the Mansion.

However I should start at the beginning.
My assistant for 10 years on the farm who retired a couple of years ago,(we call him Speedy) is the only member of the staff who I have ever taken to Underberg. I think the last time was 2013 (I must check up) and I thought it was time for him to see the changes. (and they have been many). Ok I found the blog where he first visited and it was almost 2 years ago to the day. That blog is underberg labyrinth phase 2 and the date when he was first here was 14/12/2012. I find that almost incredible. Looking at that blog no wonder he was surprised. (see below). Wow, even I was.
First View and of course the usual protective Orb.
He was down this week so I told him I would take him today.
I was intending to go on Thursday but it would have been difficult for him.
I picked him up at 2 o clock and we arrived at around 3.30.
Not much to plant today other than a couple of Sunflowers and Dichondra for the satellite beds. Another 10 or so bags of firewood as well.
Speedy at Front entrance. This is where the deck will be.

Things were very wet and you could see that there had been heavy rain with hail the day/night before. Not too much damage was done because I protect the vulnerable plants.

I did want to transplant a few of the Berry plants against the fence because I need their present area to plant more Fig trees. I wanted to finish wiring the entrance as well.
From the entrance to the Labyrinth.

When Speedy saw the changes all he could say was "Eisch Dadla." (Dadla is my nickname on the farm).
I tried showing him how the Labyrinth worked but he could not figure it out until I walked it with him. I am sure he still thinks I am a bit potty.

The first thing I wanted to see was the roof. Yes it is up but short 4 zinc sheets. Oh what a difference it makes inside. It is very difficult to explain. Every time something is done the character of the Mansion changes. Now there is a wonderful "wood" smell inside.
Towards Bathroom from side room.

Looking towards Bathroom. Toilet and Kitchen.

The Main room through a window.
I managed to complete planting/transplanting and the wiring by around 8 30. I then took what I had brought to the contractor. Today was bath, basin and toilet. I stayed at his office for a while and left Speedy to do his thing at the plot. He had started doing some weeding.

On my return I had time to spray before we left for home again.
Speedy with Oakie. The last time he saw it was 14/12/2012. See pic below.
Speedy when I first took him to Underberg jn 2012. Oakie was still very small.
A really nice day.
Check out my new blog which will be underberg labyrinth final countdown.




  1. Go Boet....The Palace is looking good. I can see u sipping a cup of tea on your verandah as the sun sets over the lab.
    other boet

  2. Sorry Bro, it should go "as the sun rises over the lab"

    Lil bro
